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AVATAR is full of quests! Look at mobs, examine tickets, and put your brain to the test. Look at the gnome shopkeeper in the area north of the meadow for your first quest. - Locqui
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Guests Online: 1
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Member Count: 528
Newest: Troyu
Remorts in April 2017
2017-04-05 11:28:00 WUMPUS has remorted into a Troll Berserker.
2017-04-11 13:50:44 Aesr has remorted into a Tuataur Psionicist.
2017-04-14 18:10:56 Hagstrom has remorted into a Minotaur Warrior.
2017-04-14 20:14:54 Deckard has remorted into a Troll Berserker.
2017-04-15 05:44:59 Taured has remorted into a Dragon Monk.
2017-04-16 02:57:49 Audrina has remorted into a High Elf Cleric.
2017-04-18 12:22:48 Klute has remorted into a Troll Wizard.
2017-04-22 06:30:12 Jeanne has remorted into a High Elf Mage.
2017-04-22 23:47:20 Stratus has remorted into a Minotaur Warrior.
2017-04-25 12:55:38 Eigo has remorted into a Troll Monk.
2017-04-29 02:47:41 Puritan has remorted into a High Elf Cleric.
2017-04-30 08:19:56 Ubel has remorted into a Dragon Warrior.
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Morphs in April 2017
2017-04-01 12:30:07 Gror has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 411.
2017-04-02 02:10:13 Hagstrom has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 732.
2017-04-02 15:35:41 Sorsi has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2017-04-03 23:54:39 Audrina has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 659.
2017-04-04 23:21:04 Rkelse has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 577.
2017-04-06 14:08:59 Gilsi has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 492.
2017-04-06 20:41:44 Brathuli has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2017-04-08 16:38:19 Korben has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 851.
2017-04-11 20:37:57 Octarine has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 769.
2017-04-12 19:35:45 Jeanne has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 729.
2017-04-13 00:09:51 Obsoletion has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 593.
2017-04-13 05:07:21 Taured has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2017-04-13 16:45:09 Ubel has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2017-04-15 02:19:35 Amaryth has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 529.
2017-04-15 12:18:59 Beefy has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 481.
2017-04-17 10:57:16 Klute has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 404.
2017-04-17 17:41:43 Eradicator has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 791.
2017-04-19 16:30:55 Eigo has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 615.
2017-04-19 22:08:54 Kimeron has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2017-04-22 05:03:01 Asteria has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 664.
2017-04-22 21:41:46 Nyle has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2017-04-23 22:40:16 Puritan has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 387.
2017-04-24 02:07:53 Gub has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 507.
2017-04-28 23:10:52 Vinyl has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 489.
2017-04-28 23:58:38 Xurc has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2017-04-29 16:41:19 Hippocrates has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 365.
2017-04-30 01:58:18 Hagstrom has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 483.
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Descensions in April 2017
2017-04-11 17:55:43 Baboofkin has descended to a Lowmort Troll.
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Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

Aug 17 2021 05:50
Halfway through August and so many events yet to go! Log in now to join our newest event.

Shoutbox Archive
Game Updates
Jul 26 2024 22:24
Xendurth has become a Bodyguard.
Jul 26 2024 17:44
Thaldur successfully morphs from Hero 747 to become Lord Thaldur.
Jul 25 2024 21:47
Winxa has become a Wizard.
Jul 25 2024 15:27
Juice successfully morphs from Hero 999 to become Lord Juice.
Jul 25 2024 09:53
Winxa has remorted into a High Elf Mage.