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Guests Online: 3
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Member Count: 541
The Immortals of Avatar
The Implementors
The Guardians
The Host Seniors
The Seniors
The Supremes
The Deities
The Gods
The Demi-Gods
Retired Immortals:
Acornia ,
Anessa ,
Arborea ,
Arundel ,
Bedeiah ,
Belanor ,
Calidon ,
Chantara ,
Chapel ,
Clyde ,
Cuendillar ,
Daeron ,
Dalthane ,
Daniloth ,
Debonair ,
Devastant ,
Dizzy ,
Domovoi ,
Eris ,
Ferret ,
Ferrix ,
Grantok ,
Hendrix ,
Hyperion ,
Jaron ,
Jean ,
Kam ,
Lokki ,
Maera ,
Makalu ,
Mega ,
Melanorder ,
Mendek ,
Merck ,
Mummu ,
Myrdan ,
Obitum ,
Orion ,
Pallidus ,
Pliny ,
PsyCrow ,
Qivass ,
Raven ,
Reuben ,
Sheridan ,
Solana ,
Spire ,
Spring ,
Sylence ,
Tanisha ,
Ukiah ,
Wir ,
Xandrian ,