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Newbie Tip
AVATAR is full of quests! Look at mobs, examine tickets, and put your brain to the test. Look at the gnome shopkeeper in the area north of the meadow for your first quest. - Locqui
Users Online
Guests Online: 4
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Member Count: 541
The Immortals of Avatar
The Implementors
The Guardians
The Host Seniors
The Seniors
The Supremes
The Deities
The Gods
The Demi-Gods
Retired Immortals:
Acornia ,
Anessa ,
Arborea ,
Arundel ,
Bedeiah ,
Belanor ,
Calidon ,
Chantara ,
Chapel ,
Clyde ,
Cuendillar ,
Daeron ,
Dalthane ,
Daniloth ,
Debonair ,
Devastant ,
Dizzy ,
Domovoi ,
Eris ,
Ferret ,
Ferrix ,
Grantok ,
Hendrix ,
Hyperion ,
Jaron ,
Jean ,
Kam ,
Lokki ,
Maera ,
Makalu ,
Mega ,
Melanorder ,
Mendek ,
Merck ,
Mummu ,
Myrdan ,
Obitum ,
Orion ,
Pallidus ,
Pliny ,
PsyCrow ,
Qivass ,
Raven ,
Reuben ,
Sheridan ,
Solana ,
Spire ,
Spring ,
Sylence ,
Tanisha ,
Ukiah ,
Wir ,
Xandrian ,