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Newbie Tip
AVATAR has it's own in-game note system. For more information read HELP BOARD and the suggested additional helpfiles listed within. Important announcements from Immortals are posted on Board 7. Keeping up to date with these notes will make sure you are well informed and don't miss out. - Riviat
Users Online
Guests Online: 4
No Members Online
Member Count: 541
The Immortals of Avatar
The Implementors
The Guardians
The Host Seniors
The Seniors
The Supremes
The Deities
The Gods
The Demi-Gods
Retired Immortals:
Acornia ,
Anessa ,
Arborea ,
Arundel ,
Bedeiah ,
Belanor ,
Calidon ,
Chantara ,
Chapel ,
Clyde ,
Cuendillar ,
Daeron ,
Dalthane ,
Daniloth ,
Debonair ,
Devastant ,
Dizzy ,
Domovoi ,
Eris ,
Ferret ,
Ferrix ,
Grantok ,
Hendrix ,
Hyperion ,
Jaron ,
Jean ,
Kam ,
Lokki ,
Maera ,
Makalu ,
Mega ,
Melanorder ,
Mendek ,
Merck ,
Mummu ,
Myrdan ,
Obitum ,
Orion ,
Pallidus ,
Pliny ,
PsyCrow ,
Qivass ,
Raven ,
Reuben ,
Sheridan ,
Solana ,
Spire ,
Spring ,
Sylence ,
Tanisha ,
Ukiah ,
Wir ,
Xandrian ,