How can I register for this website?
It is only possible to register via the actual mud. Please read help web registration for the information. You can also use anonymous logins whose details can be obtained by reading help web passwords on the mud.
What if I notice a link no longer works?
Please send a private message to a member of the webteam with the information. Direct it to either Ibn, Cirion or Pulse.
How do I navigate the NEWS section?
To see all news of a specific type such as "General News", simply click on General News and it will bring up all current items for that particular News type.
The archive section is currently not yet functional, but once it is:
To see archived news items, click on the "News" section and then the "Archive" subsection. This will list all news items by Month including archived news items.
Can I submit links for inclusion?
Links can be submitted for approval. We will set the necessary link up shortly.
We reserve the right to deny submitted listings if:
* the link contains spoilers for Quests etc
* the link leads to a site which contravenes our language rules - see HELP LANGUAGE in-game for more information.
* the link leads to a site containing material that we deem inappropriate such as pornography, political, religious or racial slurs etc.
A good rule of thumb is that any content that wouldn't be acceptable on the MUD itself won't be acceptable on a link.