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Quests: Quest Help Files |
Quest Events | Some recurring quests are run frequently enough to warrant their own help files. This is the events help file index. The following help files outline everything you need to know about Avatar's special events:
HELP FILE NAME Content Description:
- HELP QEVENTS-DECK Deck of many things
- HELP QEVENTS-HERO Ultimate Dragon Quest (hero level +)
- HELP QEVENTS-HOG Hand of God (HOG), Hog-a-Thons
- HELP QEVENTS-HALLOWEEN Annual trick-or-treat quest
- HELP QEVENTS-ZOMBIEFEST Zombie Fests, limited PK
- HELP QEVENTS-BLACKJACK Play a game of blackjack
- HELP QEVENTS-BOGGLE Basic Boggle rules
- HELP QEVENTS-GREED (Hero level +)
- HELP QEVENTS-PINATA Pinata fun for Lords!
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