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Newbie Tip
Ever wondered what you can get experience points for and how the amount is worked out?
Read HELP XP for an explanation. - Riviat
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Attending UberCon?
Do you plan on attending UberCon? Let us know in the comments, and I'll update the news post accordingly! For more information on this year's UberCon, either click the dragon to the right, or read the UberCon post, written by Ferrix, further down the page!
Attending so far:
Snikt, Zahri, Eris, Riviat, Kariya, Mimir, Melanorder
on October 08 2008 08:47:30
Yeah. I guess I might as well drop by as well *evilgrin*
on October 08 2008 12:30:59
I'll be there too!
PS Ragingboar remorted and is currently a Hero
on October 09 2008 14:58:45
Melanorder & I will be in attendance once again.
on October 21 2008 04:49:26
Boar still has a lord, he's enough of one.
on October 22 2008 14:54:42
I'll be there.
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