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Lowmort and stat training |

Posts: 20
Location: Netherlands
Joined: 27.01.07 |
Posted on May 08 2007 09:48 |
When I came back after being away from avatar for some time, I immediately noticed, because of the reroll, that training stats had become cheaper. My first response was something in the lines of "Sweet!".
Now, roughly a year later, I'm having second thoughts about this response. I don't think it was all that sweet. Now, people run through low lowmort even faster. When I had my first giant at lowmort, I had to try my best to divide practice points in such a way that they wouldn't get in the way of my gains. It took me well over 15 levels to train all my stats. That was slightly annoying, to say the least. But with the new system, I'm done roughly after level 5, and I could practice whatever I needed. As nice as this seems, imho, it has just taken all the fun that used to be there, away from the first, say, 20 levels.
My point is.. If this is not what you intended, would you be tempted to undo this? Or, if this actually is what you wanted to do, why make stats trainable at all? Why not start everyone off with maxed out stats, and rescale the pracs gained a bit?
Just a thought. |
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RE: Lowmort and stat training |

Posts: 91
Location: UK
Joined: 14.07.05 |
Posted on May 12 2007 14:24 |
Will pass this on so that the people who originally made the decision can comment. |
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RE: Lowmort and stat training |
Posts: 8
Location: Tennessee, USA
Joined: 13.05.07 |
Posted on May 14 2007 03:50 |
I've recently returned (a second time) after a most recent 4 year absence. I too have noticed the easier stat and prac gains. Long ago, when I created a centaur cleric or dragon monk, balancing the many trains and pracs needed with limited practices to use was a challenge for a long time.
This time I've started an ent fighter, and he had all his stats very quickly and was totally caught up on skills by lvl 15, and now is 'banking' pracs. I think the old way was more challenging and more fun.
My two cents. |
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RE: Lowmort and stat training |

Posts: 4
Joined: 22.11.06 |
Posted on May 15 2007 09:32 |
I like the new system but then I tend to like anything that makes it easier for true newbies to get started in the game. 
As for running through low mort faster, I think experienced players will speed through the lower levels of low mort regardless of trained stats.
Just my two cents ... |
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RE: Lowmort and stat training |

Posts: 91
Location: UK
Joined: 14.07.05 |
Posted on May 17 2007 16:15 |
Spare practices are always useful and having spare practices from lowmort when you've just heroed is really helpful for new Heroes.
Remember, stat training costs become more expensive when you become a Hero and again when you become a Lord.
They are also useful for unworshipping.
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RE: Lowmort and stat training |
Posts: 8
Location: Tennessee, USA
Joined: 13.05.07 |
Posted on May 17 2007 20:38 |
Thank you, Riviat. Perhaps I should be more careful what I ask for.

amore cecidi tamquam blatta in peluim.
--Decimus Laberius |
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RE: Lowmort and stat training |

Posts: 91
Location: UK
Joined: 14.07.05 |
Posted on May 18 2007 10:41 |
Happy to help.
Also you need to be aware that there is a random chance of stat loss upon death after Hero 101 so having spare practices to be able to retrain is good. |