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Author Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 49
Joined: 28.06.06
Posted on Sep 24 2008 06:40
Just out of curiosity...
How many of you are working their virtual butts off trying to get a char to Lord to enter the Virtual Contest?

Yesterday after the Hog we had a whole bunch of people morph.
Never seen such a morph frenzy before

Gooo random Hogs!
Goooo special Lord chars!

(no clue what I am talking about? See the news on the main page and read the helps on the mud!)

Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Joined: 24.01.07
Posted on Sep 25 2008 11:19
I'm trying, your random hog 9/23 helped me get 90+ levels and feel more confident in reaching my goal. I just need to whup UD and ultimoose and i can morph.

So, thanks a lot!

Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Posted on Sep 25 2008 12:01
No work needed - already have a lord just sitting there... in fact my namesake!

Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Joined: 30.06.08
Posted on Sep 25 2008 13:08
Been considering it, though my alt that I'd run up isn't really a huge challenge - a low tnl rogue type that was already 300+. However, I know some people who are more ambitious and are trying to powerlevel more than one alt to lord in time.
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 8
Joined: 08.03.07
Posted on Sep 25 2008 14:03
I'm working on it too, Thanks for the first 'random' hog (the 1230 one) it was very helpful as it allowed me to get back to gains from failed levels.

Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 65
Joined: 22.11.06
Posted on Sep 25 2008 18:11
I will also be doing it - need to get my sor to lord in time

Go ubercon!
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Posted on Sep 25 2008 20:47
Well got 2 lords to remort and i am persoannly working my realife butt off to stick some money on my credit card so i can pay the fee as the paypal system is very wonky, pay by credit card pay $40 per char which ends up $30 with the discount or pay by paypal whcih ends up as $50!? Also what do you put in some of the fields for the credit card payment system as it only appears geared for those darn americans! *shake fist*
Edited by Rhodry on Sep 25 2008 20:54
Author RE: maybe one, maybe two

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Joined: 21.12.07
Posted on Sep 25 2008 21:06
i've already got one lord alt (pesadelo) i'm planning on remorting for the contest, and i have one medium-level hero i'm trying to lord before the contest (alyce).

although for alyce i'm not sure if i'll remort or just hold pesadelo's lord gear when he remorts. pesadelo's class (sor) isn't really influenced, but for alyce's (either bzk or asn) it would be nice to have the DC quests in for remort races...

that's assuming i can even get alyce to lord in time
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 49
Joined: 28.06.06
Posted on Sep 25 2008 21:47
Rhodry wrote:
Well got 2 lords to remort and i am persoannly working my realife butt off to stick some money on my credit card so i can pay the fee as the paypal system is very wonky, pay by credit card pay $40 per char which ends up $30 with the discount or pay by paypal whcih ends up as $50!? Also what do you put in some of the fields for the credit card payment system as it only appears geared for those darn americans! *shake fist*

Pay 50? That's not right. Give Eris the details of how that can happen and hopefully she'll be able to fix it.

As for the fields. I recall something from last time...You gotta fill in address details iirc? Just claim you're from an American place and it should work?
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Posted on Sep 25 2008 22:20
Email sent explaining how, basically the page the mud points to falls over on the alternate payment link, after trying thru the ubercon registration page (https://secure.ubercon.com/register/) says $40 on the page but for some reason after clickign on the weekend pass paypal link takes you to the paypal login, so no chance to put in discount code, and after logging into paypal it says $50.


Btw sampled the bubbly beverage tonite hence the typos
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Location: Creston, BC, Canada
Joined: 27.07.07
Posted on Sep 26 2008 23:35
Korina & Clastor are trying - differing work schedules but we are averaging about 50 levels each time we play (no hogs) & seem to be right on track to make Lord before the payment due date.
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Joined: 26.09.08
Posted on Sep 27 2008 22:33
I was working on rushing Zen and GUTS to lord for it, but they both made it now. Maybe I'll try to get Aid there in time too but I doubt I can do it.

Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 49
Joined: 28.06.06
Posted on Sep 29 2008 14:14
stay tuned for more random Hogs.
I mean..not that I am running them to help you all.
Nooo...it's cos I enjoy the carnage.

(would like to add the satan smiley here but it aint evil enough for him)
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Posted on Sep 29 2008 19:41
I'm definitely trying to lord Atreyu before UC, have put 300 lvls on him since the UC lord quest announcement. I was able to participate in the first 'random' hog and it was great and much appreciated.
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Joined: 05.02.07
Posted on Sep 29 2008 22:58
I'm trying to get my dwf/war - Rurrik to lord so i can remort Nirla - elf/sor via the virtual contest. Only 200-300 levels to go before i attempt! I've put close to 300 levels on him since the announcement.
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Joined: 04.12.07
Posted on Sep 30 2008 03:44
Kariya wrote:
Just out of curiosity...
How many of you are working their virtual butts off trying to get a char to Lord to enter the Virtual Contest?


I am working on getting Kwenton to lord to take part. He is my 2nd oldest living char and has been a stop start project for so long that this may give me the push to get him to lord.

All help appreciated. hintboonhintboonhint
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 65
Joined: 22.11.06
Posted on Sep 30 2008 17:43
board 7 seems a nice thing to read today. or by thursday.

Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 8
Joined: 08.03.07
Posted on Sep 30 2008 17:52
you guys should have fun with this...like xp boons and stuff *duck*
...tho reboot xp would be awesome *toe*

PS Thanks for all the hard work!!!

Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 49
Joined: 28.06.06
Posted on Oct 01 2008 09:33
While a reboot might happen (you never know when Dawiz or Pulse implement something surprising & awesome) I wouldn't count too much on XP boons.

While the UC connection is a fun coincidence *grin* I am mostly doing this to entertain you and me by having killing sprees. That is not so much the case with xp boons
But who knows. I might set demon xp tnl to 1. *nod self*
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Posted on Oct 01 2008 14:49
Hi! I'm working my butt off. Bane likes potatoes and cheese. Kariya is evil. That's all. Back to tanking
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