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Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Posted on Oct 02 2008 08:14
Mavwn's been running his evil little butt off trying to get to a morphable level... he was in fails last week, now nearing 600...

So far I've caught one of the hogs, but only because I was (un)lucky enough to be up at 2am local time ^_^

The only curse of living in Australia... 13.5 hours ahead of system.

English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages into dark alleys, raps them over the head with a cudgel, then goes through their pockets for loose vocabulary and spare grammar.
1625704 wyvaud@gmail.com http://users.tpg.com.au/wyvaud/avatar_races/races.html
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 49
Joined: 28.06.06
Posted on Oct 02 2008 10:49
Wiseman wrote:

The only curse of living in Australia... 13.5 hours ahead of system.

So I guess the one tonight at 11pm system time is going to be during work hours or something.

Hrrmm....maybe this weekend. Maybe....
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Posted on Oct 03 2008 09:22
Kariya wrote:
So I guess the one tonight at 11pm system time is going to be during work hours or something.

Hrrmm....maybe this weekend. Maybe....

Indeed... for me it'll be Friday 1230 hours... and being as I work in a supermarket, I can't even take my break then and mud at work. ^_^ Hylaeus can - in fact that's his normal lunch hour.

But hey - that's ok. I'm just happy that I woke up at 2am the other day


PS - Hylaeus, I expect to see your alts madly levelled up when I talk to you that night
1625704 wyvaud@gmail.com http://users.tpg.com.au/wyvaud/avatar_races/races.html
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Location: Creston, BC, Canada
Joined: 27.07.07
Posted on Oct 03 2008 21:08
Thank you for the HOG yesterday. Both Korina & Clastor are just shy of level 900, so we will make Lord easily before the deadline. Thank you so much! Clastor is my son's character, Korina is mine. He will remort Minotaur bzk & I will remort Giant bzk - should be interesting.

I've never had a character with this many hps before - it is totally awesome. Korina has like 13K+ already & still 100 levels to go.

**hugs** Morague
Author RE: And now for something slightly different

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Posted on Oct 04 2008 22:28
Lords & Legends -- there will be a hog tomorrow (Sunday) at 3pm system time.

Yes, Legends.
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Posted on Oct 05 2008 21:34
While, I will not be participating in the virtual contest, I will be buying DemonTongue's (or one of his alts) admission for the virtual contest.
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Posted on Oct 06 2008 13:49
Wiki wrote:
While, I will not be participating in the virtual contest, I will be buying DemonTongue's (or one of his alts) admission for the virtual contest.

Awww...that's sweet. Why doesn't anybody buy me anything?
Oh wait. I don't have any proper lord chars!
Or hero chars for that matter.
Or low mort.
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Posted on Oct 08 2008 06:10

The thursday morning hog that's coming up is going to be right after I get home from work, after the kids are in bed! *dance*

Thanks Kariya!

And yes, I probably will be lulled into a false sense of security...

English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages into dark alleys, raps them over the head with a cudgel, then goes through their pockets for loose vocabulary and spare grammar.
1625704 wyvaud@gmail.com http://users.tpg.com.au/wyvaud/avatar_races/races.html
Author RE: question about drg/grf lord contest

Posts: 35
Joined: 21.12.07
Posted on Oct 08 2008 18:47
in 'help ubercon prizes' it has a section for Lord Only that says 11 contests, one for each race, then on next line says 'highest Spr Trl..etc' and proceeds to list only 9 of the 11 races. it leaves out drg and grf. do these have a different contest of some kind, or is that just a typo?
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Posted on Oct 08 2008 20:41
Laazarus wrote:
in 'help ubercon prizes' it has a section for Lord Only that says 11 contests, one for each race, then on next line says 'highest Spr Trl..etc' and proceeds to list only 9 of the 11 races. it leaves out drg and grf. do these have a different contest of some kind, or is that just a typo?

I seem to remember something about everyone except drg and grf must be at least hero 1 to be eligible for a prize... whereas (due to tnl) drg and grf competitors must make it to lowmort level 30?

Anyone want to confirm/deny this?

English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages into dark alleys, raps them over the head with a cudgel, then goes through their pockets for loose vocabulary and spare grammar.
1625704 wyvaud@gmail.com http://users.tpg.com.au/wyvaud/avatar_races/races.html
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 35
Joined: 21.12.07
Posted on Oct 09 2008 05:38
Wiseman wrote:
Laazarus wrote:
in 'help ubercon prizes' it has a section for Lord Only that says 11 contests, one for each race, then on next line says 'highest Spr Trl..etc' and proceeds to list only 9 of the 11 races. it leaves out drg and grf. do these have a different contest of some kind, or is that just a typo?

I seem to remember something about everyone except drg and grf must be at least hero 1 to be eligible for a prize... whereas (due to tnl) drg and grf competitors must make it to lowmort level 30?

Anyone want to confirm/deny this?

yes, in the same help (help ubercon prizes) it says that. but that does not answer my question, what are the grf & drg lord prizes? why are they omitted from that last lord list of races? if it's only the qualifying levels that are different, as mentioned at the beginning of the help, they should be listed along with the others at the bottom of the help, for the same prize.
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 49
Joined: 28.06.06
Posted on Oct 09 2008 07:18
Laazarus wrote:

yes, in the same help (help ubercon prizes) it says that. but that does not answer my question, what are the grf & drg lord prizes? why are they omitted from that last lord list of races? if it's only the qualifying levels that are different, as mentioned at the beginning of the help, they should be listed along with the others at the bottom of the help, for the same prize.

Hrrm..the contest for grf & drg is slightly different as these are Ironman contests.
You are not allowed to die if you want to claim your reward.

That's why they are listed seperately. Not sure -right now- where it is though.
Sorry! We'll look into it!

Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Posted on Oct 09 2008 16:17
Hopefully I do not incur Kariya's wrath for this... but near the end of the drafts I took out "ironman"/can't die for Grf/Drg. I think partially my rationale was that only remorting Lords could access Grf/Drg, so there will be a lot less participants than if any player could buy one at level 2.

The ONLY difference between Grf/Drg as it officially stands is the lesser level they must reach: level 30 to qualify for the race.

Of course only top player of each race will place, but that is the minimum level to place. ALL other contests are Hero 1 as a minium level.

Does this clear things up, guys?

[Edited to correct a mistake Alyce pointed out, thanks]
Edited by Zahri on Oct 09 2008 16:22
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 1
Joined: 14.10.08
Posted on Oct 14 2008 21:50
I'll be participating in the virtual contest, however i sent a revision to Eris. I originally asked for Pryor to be remorted GRF SHF, however I changed that when i got Deception within range to morph to lord. I sent an e-mail to change my request to deception remorting to Min BZK. DO you know if Eris received that e-mail?
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Location: Somewhere in Rural Missouri
Joined: 14.10.08
Posted on Oct 15 2008 13:33
Beleive it or not, I read the WHOLE Ubercon Contest Helps and It reccomended that I post to the Forum. So I am an obedient little Orc.

Studdy of the Uddies
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 8
Joined: 08.03.07
Posted on Oct 21 2008 23:58
Hope everyone who wanted to made it to lord, and to those who did not I send my condolences.

Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 35
Joined: 21.12.07
Posted on Oct 22 2008 22:24
both mine made it (pesadelo and alyce, grf sor and dsd bzk respectively). now it's gonna be a long haul back to getting a lord again
Edited by laazarus on Oct 22 2008 22:25
Author RE: UberCon XII virtual contests?

Posts: 35
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Posted on Sep 14 2009 19:40
according to the website, UberCon XII (2009) is set for november 6-8.

i'm curious as to what, if any, virtual contests are planned for this year? i recall: a remort race-creatable class one, a remort class-human one, and the lord remort one.

could this year have some or all of these previously run virtual contests, or perhaps something altogether new? curious minds want to know!

also, if the lord remort one is happening again it would be helpful to know as far in advance as possible for obvious reasons.

* ack, forgot to mention one thing: personally i'm most interested in seeing the remort race-creatable class one return
Edited by laazarus on Sep 14 2009 20:10
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

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Posted on Sep 14 2009 19:56
Plans are still under discussion and nothing has yet been finalised.

Announcements wil be made when there is something to announce
Author RE: Ubercon Virtual contest

Posts: 65
Joined: 22.11.06
Posted on Sep 23 2009 00:37
The contest is open. Check board 7 377 for details.

I added a news item to the website but I am loathe to mess up the sanctum remodeling MOTD ;p

- Z
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