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Author What are some of your favorite AVATAR rooms?

Posts: 65
Joined: 22.11.06
Posted on Feb 08 2010 02:58
Here are two of my favorites:

Forgotten Room
[Exits: No Obvious Exits]
This room is full of cobwebs and dust..as no one has been here in
such a long time. You have obviously stumbled upon a part of
Antharian history, as the room still looks like it did 2000 yrs ago.
(Invis) A round piece of some unknown metal is here.

[In Antharia. Just the idea that it's mostly hidden, and not many
people ever end up here.]

Smoldering Campsite
[Exits: east south west]
The campsite smells like burned hair. Charred bones lie in the ashes of the fire pit. The grass has been stamped down around the area. You see two trails, one leading south and one heading west.
There is a fire pit here, still smoldering.

[This one is more of a gut feeling. I remember walking around this room when I first started playing, back in 1998. And then I think about all the people who have walked through it over the years, some who no longer play...]

What are some of the rooms you like the most?

For the Retro Team,
- Zahri
Edited by Zahri on Feb 08 2010 03:01
Author RE: What are some of your favorite AVATAR rooms?

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Posts: 23
Location: Kansas City, MO
Joined: 26.02.07
Posted on Feb 08 2010 05:02
For low-mortal - it has to be Darii's Kitchen. Anyone who has not patted Max on the head needs to do so now.

For hero - it has to be:

Library of the Stars
[Exits: No Obvious Exits]
This library feels ancient. The air here feels incredibly refined with
none of the usual musty smell of ancient tombs. Everything has been
fastened to the walls all the floor. The need for this is made
apparent as a wizard casually floats by. There is no gravity in this

Behind a glass prism is a vivid depiction of a plethora of stars. The
light of the stars as well as several glowing balls of light provide

I don't run lord enough to have a favorite room...

Author RE: Favorite Room

Posts: 5
Joined: 01.04.09
Posted on Feb 08 2010 20:13
Darii's Kitchen as well. I dunno why, but I love that place. I also like the kitchen in the old soldier's house in midgaard. again, I have no clue why. Oh, and the hiaku rooms in lake of tears.
Author RE: One of the many rooms in Memory Lane

Posts: 65
Joined: 22.11.06
Posted on Feb 09 2010 01:45
The Time of Wonder
[Exits: north east south west up down]
The forest is gorgeous, every tree being utterly different from its neighbors, their leaves weaving into a dark tapestry above. The light through the leaves is a dusky red, and seems to hang in the air on its way to the ground. Moss covers everything, and spider webs shine with dew among the leaves. Millions of eyes watch you from the shadows.

And yet, this is not Arcadia, this is Midgaardia as it was during the time of the Fae.
Author RE: What are some of your favorite AVATAR rooms?

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Posts: 35
Location: Southern California
Joined: 24.06.06
Posted on Feb 09 2010 04:13
Many of my favorite rooms are long gone from the realm, lost to time.

But the one that touches my heart, I wrote:

The Room of Remembrance ( Infirmary )
[Exits: east]
In Memoriam . . .

This room stands as a memorial for those beloved Avatarians that have slipped
away from us all. They might be gone but they are never forgotten! Beautiful in
its simplicity, the room is lined with pillars made of the purest white marble.
In the center of the room stands a pure white obelisk.

look Obelisk

Gone but never forgotten. . .


Other souls whose sands have fallen from the hourglass...

Requiescat in Pace, dear friends. One day we shall group again, slay the evil
Gith . . . together.

Cerdwyn, Staph Immortal of Avatar MUD

Avatar.... the Legend Continues

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Author RE: What are some of your favorite AVATAR rooms?

Posts: 7
Location: Alberta, Canada
Joined: 09.10.07
Posted on Feb 15 2010 05:51
Favourite room.. oh my that is a hard one, there are so many to choose from!

To be 100% honest it would be:

The Branch of Training
[Exits: north]
In here you may train and practice without distractions.
A peaceful spirit of the tree stands here.

I learned the most about avatar in this room, way (way) back on my trl mag. The whole tree of knowledge (including the in-between world) has to be my favourite rooms of the game - the innocence that lives there and the learning that thrives..

Author RE: What are some of your favorite AVATAR rooms?

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Posts: 35
Location: Southern California
Joined: 24.06.06
Posted on Apr 05 2010 02:04
Find the reference to Snikt in Borley.

You will laugh your buns off.

Cerdwyn, Staph Immortal of Avatar MUD

Avatar.... the Legend Continues

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Any sufficiently advanced MUD is indistinguishable from magic.
Author RE: What are some of your favorite AVATAR rooms?

Posts: 35
Joined: 21.12.07
Posted on Apr 08 2010 15:53
A Meditation Chamber
[Exits: east]
Soft, clear light filters through a crystal window in the domed ceiling. Every corner holds a mithril tripod bearing a vat of slowly burning incensed oil. In the center of the room is a large cushioned dais of red velvet, surrounded by icons and statues. For reasons unknown, the enchantment is not in effect, and movement and sound are present. Every statue encircling the dais seems to be chanting in a deep resonant tone. Resting on a pedestal is a particularly lifelike statue of a mage.
Edited by laazarus on Apr 08 2010 15:53
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