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Author What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on May 03 2010 15:24
Cmud, Zmud, TinTin, Putty, Portal, etc. What client software are you using, and why?
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Posted on May 03 2010 16:07
I use three:

Putty - free, simplest, and on my work computer
MUSHclient - free and nice interface. programming not too hard
MonkeyTerm - free, I have the source code, and a script I got working there and could not get working in MUSHclient

So basically - the theme is free. I don't actually have many scripts I use (no bots) - just one for my archers when I run them.

Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on May 04 2010 00:53
zMUD. I have used it since before Avatar (1997 or so). Free upgrades for life has been nice. I think when I bought it it was only $15 or $20.

and then when I am not on my own computer, I just use outland.org.

and there was that short stint at college where I couldn't use outland.org (it was blocked), so I used gmud on a flash drive . Worked like a charm.
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Posted on May 04 2010 02:15
I've used Tintin when I used to mudd from a unix... but I've been using Zmud since 1995-97... when ever they started... I actualy invested in the version, like Zahri. I'm thinking of getting cMud soon as zMud crashes periodically on Windows 7. If you run Vista, you will not have a choice but to run cMUD.... I've heard of people running zMud on Vista... but Vista is poopy... so meh... Just get cMud... because zMud isn't being upgraded anymore... it's a discontinued program.

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Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on May 04 2010 10:19
Currently use Pueblo UE

Have used a version of Pueblo since 1996 when it still supported by Chaco Communications.
Tried and paid for old versions of Zmud and Portal but prefer Pueblo as it is free and it does everything I need it to i.e. provides colour and client logging.

Pueblo doesn't have all the trigger related addons that Zmud does however as I don't use triggers this doesn't matter to me.
If I did ever decide to use triggers, Pueblo supports Tintin\Wintin scripts.

I've also used Putty and SSH if I've not been at my own computer.
Edited by Riviat on May 04 2010 10:20
Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on May 13 2010 04:14
I just started using CMud. I was on Portal GT, but apparently they are no longer validating the registration codes, so it's showing the software as unregistered. (I bought the dang thing ten+ years ago.) So far, I'm pretty happy with CMud.

Anyone else?
Author RE: from someone on a G5 running os X 10.4.11

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Posted on May 13 2010 15:17
i've been using Cantrip since i started playing Avatar (in 2003). it's stable and fast but has limited trigger/macro ability - mainly i can't see how to get a variable for something like a kill trigger. Cantrip has been discontinued for a while but you can still find it to download i imagine if you look around. i think the author played Avatar and it was included as one of the initial muds listed in the program.

a more full-featured client i sometimes use (supports PERL, etc), namely when i want a kill trigger, is Atlantis. this was designed more with MUSH and slower paced games in mind, according to the programmer, and so it sometimes has issues with lagging after playing for a while. i've mostly fixed this by shortening scrollback, and the forums on the website are helpful. i haven't quite gotten comfortable with Atlantis yet as Cantrip works so easily and well for me, though i suppose eventually i'll move all my alts over to Atlantis.

-laazarus, et al
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Posted on Jul 11 2010 21:44
Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on Jul 17 2010 01:23

I have also tried cMud for a bit; used yTin a lot; wintin; and tintin++.

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Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on Jul 28 2010 21:44
zMUD. The scripting language is fairly simple. I like writing my own code, so when I feel like coding a bit, it satisfies that urge for me.
Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on Jul 31 2010 09:09
I recently played again and i found Ashavar mud client seems to be good.

It free, and has all sorts of useful features.
Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on Aug 04 2010 05:51
I haven't replied here yet!

I use Cmud myself.
I abuse the #Capture command and the trigger/alias control is like a mud client on easy mode lol
Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on Aug 08 2010 16:33
I'm with Daeron on this one! TinyFugue all the way! While at university, I would just SSH from the computer lab back to my server running TF
Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on May 26 2011 22:26
for those using TinyFugue, do you recommend any tutorial sites? I'm trying to learn how to use it but I can't find anything.
Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on May 27 2011 05:59
Not sure if

will be of use but if they are any use, please let me know and I'll add them to the Mud Client Tips section of the Links area.
Edited by Riviat on May 27 2011 06:06
Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on May 29 2011 17:12
yeah they are quite useful, although the 2nd one, there are some dead links, however someone made a wiki with the same info it seems here:

Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on May 30 2011 13:17
Since Xmas last year I'm using Mud Client on ipad.
I used to use CMud on PC before.

Time is of the essence.
Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

Posts: 35
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Posted on Oct 20 2011 18:28
i've now switched to TinTin++ and it's awesome. as a mac user (os x) i highly recommend it. even over Atlantis, which i consider the runner-up for best mac mud client. check the wiki scripting page for tintin: http://avatar.melanarchy.info/index.php/Category:TinTin%2B%2B_Scripting
Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on Nov 07 2011 14:55
outland.org java applet ftw. don't have my own computer atm. usually use zmud though
Author RE: What MUD client are you using?

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Posted on Feb 07 2014 03:49
cmud, anything else pales in comparison
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