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Author RE: Thoughts/Feedback on Eragora

Posts: 25
Joined: 21.03.11
Posted on Sep 07 2011 19:43
It didn't "just materialize". It's been there since the area was imped. People just assumed it wasn't worth their time because it was Eragora, while a minority of curious people got their hands on some nice stuff.

This is disingenuous to say the least. Every other Eragora area has only t1 equivalents. One further area was implemented and is chock full of insignia quests, new T1 (including an amazing new archer wrist, glad we are improving hero archers even further), and you're surprised nobody noticed for awhile? Maybe that's because the continent was standing empty for so long and an immortal had to pepper the area with perfect gems to get anyone to go there.

Most importantly the presence of these upgrades in this specific area stands in stark contrast to the arguments that have been made by Eragora supporters in this very thread! It's incredible you can wonder why players "just assumed it wasn't worth their time because it was Eragora"... maybe there was something wrong with the implementation of Eragora that convinced them not to go there? Maybe? If only we could have prevented this from occurring by, I don't know, say, encouraging players to go there in the first place? /facepalm
Edited by Takayuchi on Sep 07 2011 19:47
Author RE: Thoughts/Feedback on Eragora

Posts: 3
Location: Omaha, NE
Joined: 27.07.07
Posted on Sep 08 2011 06:46
The primary motivating factor for most hero groups' existence is a character reward--either in the form of gear (for better stats) or exp (for presumptive progress toward either 999 or lord). If an area fails to offer these in exchange for a commensurate effort, it will likely not be run.

Eragora is, as it stands, considerably more inconvenient and time-consuming to run than anything in Midgaard. How is it a surprise, then, that heroes are not flocking there, absent commensurate reward? Furthermore, why is there such resistance to the feedback that this will not change without a larger enticement based on the two motivating factors listed above? If you want to change the game because you don't like the direction it's gone, that's your prerogative--but finding you're in the minority should not surprise you.

It's unfortunate that the people who put so much work into writing these areas are seeing their efforts go under-appreciated because they've been relegated to primarily novelty status. I'm not sure anyone wanted to go to all that work to see it go unused. Perhaps there are enough insignias that they could be spread throughout the continent to coax at least some people make the trek out there--but as has been pointed out, if it takes a quest with large rewards to get anyone to bother going to the area, it has a design problem, an implementation problem, or both.
Author RE: Thoughts/Feedback on Eragora

Posts: 49
Joined: 28.06.06
Posted on Sep 08 2011 08:45
Rafel wrote:
Furthermore, why is there such resistance to the feedback that this will not change without a larger enticement based on the two motivating factors listed above?

It's not so much that we don't like the feedback. To me it's the idea that apparently if we don't provide a bigger carrot it means it is a failure.
(I have the same issues with quests. But that's another story)

People have also commented that they like the way they have to strategize in Eragora. That they like the exploration aspects.

It just depends on what type of player you are.
Avatar has lots of 'power' players (must have gear. must nuke mobs with ease)
I guess we just have to accept -for now- that Eragora is not the place for them.
Many midgaardian plane/continent areas have the same issues (great concept, little traffic)

Yet we will continue to develop the concept and maybe one day you will beg to spend your time there. Maybe. Hopefully
Author RE: Thoughts/Feedback on Eragora

Posts: 6
Joined: 14.07.10
Posted on Sep 09 2011 16:55
Takayuchi wrote:
It didn't "just materialize". It's been there since the area was imped. People just assumed it wasn't worth their time because it was Eragora, while a minority of curious people got their hands on some nice stuff.

This is disingenuous to say the least. Every other Eragora area has only t1 equivalents. One further area was implemented and is chock full of insignia quests, new T1 (including an amazing new archer wrist, glad we are improving hero archers even further), and you're surprised nobody noticed for awhile? Maybe that's because the continent was standing empty for so long and an immortal had to pepper the area with perfect gems to get anyone to go there.

The archer wrist you speak of is from one of the other Eragora areas, one that has been there for months. It also just an alternate to the other t1 wrist for archer. The gear in Outpost is actually ac/mana/druid, not archer, so hopefully that makes you happy (because archers don't need any more stuff, right?) It is also disingenuous to use terms like "chock full of insignia" when it's just two. There are also insignia quests elsewhere in Eragora.

There is also plenty of t1 stuff in Eragora. A few top end Double, and mana gear, and AC. The bigger surprise is how offended you are about Outpost, without taking the time to see what is loading elsewhere.

Zahri didn't pepper the area with Pgems. He put them on the bosses a day after the area went live. People went, liked what they saw, and stayed. I don't see the problem there. From outpost, people are also doing some runs to other parts of Eragora, because there is some worthwhile stuff there.
Edited by Ginta on Sep 09 2011 18:34
Author RE: Thoughts/Feedback on Eragora

Posts: 65
Joined: 22.11.06
Posted on Sep 11 2011 13:13
Sorry, RL work is insane right now. I just got done with probably one of the harder weeks of the semester (40 hours in 4 days, and additional work at home). Today will be writing up policy and procedure *shudder*

As mentioned, I did put 6 pgems out on the Outpost area... within one day of the area loading. And I am pretty sure all 6 pgems were still there after 24 hours, because I deliberately put them on quest mobs or in hard to find places. They are pgems after all After 48 hours, 1 was left.

1. There is a bit of gear which is better than Midgaardia gear. I tried to pay attention to WHAT it was devaluing on Midgaardia. i.e., no waist items that would harm the UD girth.

2. There is gear which matches a tier 1 item on Midgaardia but includes a small boon on the side. i.e. tier 1 ac, a minor splash of hr/dr thrown in.

3. There are insignia prizes. Moving forward, most revision of existing areas will occur here. Either the prize will be modified (like Mountain Tunnels, on my to-do list) or additional never-before-seen insignia quests will be added. My next project will probably be Akrito's Farm, by way of adding 1-2 insignia quests and trying to carefully make it less of an xp farm but still fun to run. I have some ideas currently.

As also mentioned, Eragora is not for every type of player. It's probably more for explorers than killers, for example.

Thanks for your patience. Personally, September is the busiest month of the year for my job, and the craziness will probably last through late November.
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