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Author Top MUD Sites voting issues

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Posts: 23
Location: Kansas City, MO
Joined: 26.02.07
Posted on Dec 01 2015 15:18
This morning I thought I'd start out right in December. Voted at home on my home computer. Then got to work and voted again (different IP address, different computer). Then voted on my phone (again different device/IP). I checked an hour later and Avatar is still zero. None of my votes counted. No - I didn't vote on any of those devices in the last 12 hours. Are we being locked out?

Author RE: Top MUD Sites voting issues

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Posts: 12
Location: United Kingdom of G.B, N.I and Berwick upon Twede.
Joined: 16.02.13
Posted on Dec 02 2015 04:53
I have noticed weirdness in the past with my votes not seeming to count, and that is from a single device.
Author RE: Any investigation on this?

Posts: 35
Joined: 21.12.07
Posted on Apr 17 2016 16:30
I have also noticed votes seemingly not counting. Has there been any investigation into this?
Edited by laazarus on Aug 25 2016 03:29
Author RE: Top MUD Sites voting issues

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Posts: 27
Location: Australia
Joined: 18.05.16
Posted on Jun 09 2016 08:47
Yep experiencing the same thing. Votes not counting. I voted on home pc then via phone with wifi off, then on work PC. I have been doing this approx every 12 hours for the last few days. I have had around 2 votes work. I thought there could be a delay so I have been mixing the timing up and waiting but no luck.
Author RE: Re: Top Mud Sites Voting Issues

Posts: 2
Location: Scottsville, KY, USA
Joined: 20.08.11
Posted on Oct 11 2016 13:24
I wanted to post an update so folks would know that I have been in contact with TMS multiple times over the last year about this issue. They inevitably send me a polite email reply that there is no issue, which is obviously not the case! Last month alone, we had less votes counted than the number of times I personally voted. We didn't even have enough votes register for one person to vote every 12 hours in the 30-day month!

I am encouraging everyone to still attempt to vote this month. I know it gets annoying when nothing registers, but I would like to collect anecdotal evidence. So please only use one device every 12 hours or more and vote for Avatar. I would also encourage you to use the "OUT" and hop back to outland.org as the OUT count seems to be working. Please no proxy servers or use of multiple devices to attempt to inflate our total, just one vote per 12 hour interval per person. For example, my list will have my work ISP for my voting M-F around 8-8:30 am and my home ISP for voting on M-F evenings around 8-8:30 pm and my weekend votes.

At the end of the month, if you would forward your anecdotal record including ISP, date, and time of your votes to me (avatarangelbabble@gmail.com) I will compile them to send to TMS as additional evidence that voting has gone wonky. I feel that the OUT count will also tend to support our claim.

Thank you for persevering!

Babble, the Chatty Immortal
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