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Posts: 11 Location: Moscow, Russia Joined: 22.01.07
Posted on Dec 30 2007 19:03
I will try to repost what I deep useful from the mailer.
It is much easier to find here.
Really, the settings in govt.position do not add anything (unless you have Uranium and say you want it for nuclear power).
But, if you set govt.position in 'wrong' way, you lose 1 environment for each of 3 settings (equals 0.4 happiness lost as a result for each 'wrong'.
You need to strongly oppose drugs, nukes and freefloat immigration.
I must note that about 10% of the alliance have at least nuke setting 'wrong'.
With the exception of Chiles, who can actually build nukes, all should be 'completely opposed to nukes' if have no access to Uranium or 'want nuclear power plants' having access to Uranium.
This is the best setting.
If a nation has access to Uranium, this gives heavy negative impact on both happiness and environment, but if you answer in govt.position that you favour nuclear power plants, benefits of this outweight negatives.
If you have Uranium as your starting resource, you are in great luck, since you do not have the negatives (xpt from govt. setting).
If you have Uranium as a starting resource or from trade, and answer that you want it for power plants, its coinage boost is only second to Gems (which gives best direct income boost of all resources).
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 00:59:01 -0500
Subject: Re: Government Position/Scenarios
Which are the best choices for each?
On 12/29/07, DaWiz <> wrote:
Actually each one adds .4 happiness.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: Government Position/Scenarios
In a message dated 12/29/07 8:21:36 PM, writes:
There are 3 that each have a $0.85 effect - Nukes, Drugs and Immigration. Total effect is $2.55.
Guess I already had the good ones picked then. LOL Oh well, nothing like just discovering something most folks already knew about.
The HiElands
math hurts
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