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Author Twilight

Posts: 28
Joined: 27.01.07
Posted on Jan 29 2009 23:10
Ugh. Ick. yuck.
Ok, got it outta your system ? let me say that i had NO intention of reading this Quartet of books, frankly the film and its fans really turned me against it.
Having said that allow me to say that I DEVOURED these four books because the writing is superior and it flows as well as any novel i have ever read. Yes, I skimmed past the mushy Bodice ripepr romance parts but on balance not to many of those were actually there.
Its a helluva a good read.
Let me tell you that if you can get past the hype, this is worthy of your efforts.
This was true of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, once you got past the title, the show was absolutely superb.
Broke back Mountain - A Love story right up there with Romeo & Juliet, and yeah I closed my eyes for the 'uncomfortable' moments but on balance a damned good picture.
So too with the 4 books of the TWILIGHT quartet. Ignore the teenage fan base, the neo romance novel mystique that the Film studio mistakenly attached to this film. Had they instead chosen to go after the more mature audience as well as the teenies, well what might have been.
Don't deny yourselves ; Give the books a chance, all you have to lose is being counted amongst those who have not read these books.
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