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Author Redesigning the Labyrinth of Despair (evil ideas within)

Posts: 65
Joined: 22.11.06
Posted on Oct 21 2010 10:54
A board I read, with a thread entitled "Designing a Labyrinth of Doom"


...It's positively evil.
Author RE: Redesigning the Labyrinth of Despair (evil ideas within)

Posts: 17
Location: Central Florida, USA
Joined: 18.02.07
Posted on Oct 21 2010 12:58
Rofl, sounds sort of like a zone I wrote ages ago as a long maze with ever changing exits in the rooms, and many many levels with rooms all having the same name to make the pk fun/hunting all that much harder, with most rooms flaged as dark so you can't even seen if your prey is in the room right next to you, and even if they were going out the exits towards them may not put you in the same room as them *DIABOLICAL CACKLE*. Those were the days of making evil pk zones to hide and hunt in, and often times so frusterated you would end up killing yourself just to get out of the place after a while, or just end up sitting in there not knowing where you were in there hidding or waiting for prey to enter.

SerpWAR et army of atls
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