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Author Trailer for "The Hobbit" released!

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Posted on Dec 21 2011 10:19
Youtube of "The Hobbit" official trailer
Author RE: Trailer for "The Hobbit" released!

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Location: Las Cruces, New Mexico
Joined: 15.07.11
Posted on Jan 04 2012 18:56
First of all...wow, rivi is english...didn't know they had hobbitses. Secondly, i think its unfair that i have to wait until december for this.


Arngrim Skythain, Grand Duke of the High Elves
Author RE: Trailer for "The Hobbit" released!

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Posted on Jan 04 2012 21:59
Oh no, my secret (which has been in my helpfile since I've had a helpfile) is out!

Actually, a lot of the Shire was based on English villages, some of the names of the places were even taken from villages near Oxford where JRR Tolkien was living when he wrote LOTR.

We all have to wait till December and I agree, it's a shame to have to wait so long
Author RE: Trailer for "The Hobbit" released!

Posts: 6
Location: Las Cruces, New Mexico
Joined: 15.07.11
Posted on Jan 04 2012 22:14
*reads help riviat*

Arngrim Skythain, Grand Duke of the High Elves
Author RE: Trailer for "The Hobbit" released!

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Posted on Jan 10 2012 17:30
I don't want to wait either; can I blame Riv for the months' worth of torture for posting the link?

Kerrinth, Demon Immortal of AVATAR.
Author RE: Trailer for "The Hobbit" released!

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Posted on Jan 25 2012 15:13
No, you can't

You'd have only complained if I hadn't shared it with you
Author RE: Trailer for "The Hobbit" released!

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Posted on Feb 07 2012 05:48
Wait till December for the FIRST part... Wait till the following December for the second part.

However, I'm really glad they are doing it in two parts. It promises to be pretty awesome. Ver'ver'excited!
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