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Newbie Tip
Creating an alias can help you get all of your gear from your corpse. For example if you are standing one room south of your corpse, and there is an aggressive mob guarding it, try 'alias getcorpse north: get all corpse: south' You will often be able to get your gear with no trouble. - Locqui
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Guests Online: 4
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Member Count: 541
Newest: Guarin
Remorts in September 2016
2016-09-01 02:34:10 Samarkand has remorted into a High Elf Priest.
2016-09-02 07:32:05 Vaasil has remorted into a Troll Paladin.
2016-09-02 17:42:19 Tuga has remorted into a Drow Priest.
2016-09-02 20:08:39 Maxy has remorted into a Troll Warrior.
2016-09-04 18:38:48 Ariat has remorted into a Troglodyte Berserker.
2016-09-04 20:46:18 Statler has remorted into a Lizard Man Sorcerer.
2016-09-05 17:56:53 Jraahg has remorted into a Troll Shadowfist.
2016-09-08 18:12:55 Jhyan has remorted into a Troll Ranger.
2016-09-09 02:30:36 Faroose has remorted into a Dragon Cleric.
2016-09-10 03:20:35 Spriggs has remorted into a Lizard Man Sorcerer.
2016-09-10 07:02:30 Caretaker has remorted into a Demonseed Shadowfist.
2016-09-14 04:01:41 Weniss has remorted into a Human Priest.
2016-09-15 18:34:59 Vacuum has remorted into a Drow Sorcerer.
2016-09-16 05:11:26 Reprisal has remorted into a Gargoyle Bladedancer.
2016-09-16 10:10:07 Esira has remorted into a Sprite Priest.
2016-09-17 12:28:26 Rakah has remorted into a Tuataur Bladedancer.
2016-09-18 10:24:18 Throat has remorted into a Sprite Mage.
2016-09-18 14:41:15 Shesh has remorted into a Troll Warrior.
2016-09-19 00:01:36 Mida has remorted into a Tuataur Psionicist.
2016-09-28 17:39:46 Embla has remorted into a Sprite Bladedancer.
2016-09-28 23:02:56 Liono has remorted into a Kzinti Berserker.
2016-09-29 15:53:26 Waliz has remorted into a Lizard Man Berserker.
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Morphs in September 2016
2016-09-01 18:13:15 Throat has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2016-09-02 15:54:36 Cagao has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 592.
2016-09-03 10:46:39 Sith has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 602.
2016-09-03 16:45:36 Hobo has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2016-09-03 17:20:34 Raslin has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2016-09-04 00:51:33 Reprisal has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 505.
2016-09-04 14:33:05 Darkness has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2016-09-05 07:52:39 Frostie has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2016-09-05 13:26:37 Quarterly has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 409.
2016-09-06 08:48:23 Esira has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 349.
2016-09-06 17:59:58 Faroose has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 301.
2016-09-07 19:20:58 Ondskan has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 594.
2016-09-08 20:08:41 Roarach has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 903.
2016-09-08 20:29:02 Ywa has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 303.
2016-09-12 16:37:23 Dragun has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 916.
2016-09-14 01:23:08 Shenanigans has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 630.
2016-09-14 10:12:08 Zingu has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 540.
2016-09-14 22:03:47 Droque has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 479.
2016-09-15 21:51:32 Kabi has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 303.
2016-09-16 16:22:44 Varssshec has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 595.
2016-09-16 20:48:16 Rakah has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 353.
2016-09-17 14:58:12 Ariat has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 705.
2016-09-18 17:00:57 Clency has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2016-09-19 17:06:55 Mecao has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 523.
2016-09-21 22:10:26 Sparget has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 361.
2016-09-22 19:56:28 Tallis has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 401.
2016-09-23 09:51:30 Decept has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2016-09-23 16:35:04 Vaasil has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2016-09-23 16:40:13 OWO has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 434.
2016-09-25 18:23:15 Fitty has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 311.
2016-09-27 13:06:57 Esira has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
2016-09-28 20:30:49 Nefas has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 525.
2016-09-30 16:35:54 Sealpoint has morphed into a Lord from SubLevel 999.
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Descensions in September 2016
2016-09-03 22:49:42 Hobo has descended to a Hero Troll.
2016-09-04 11:51:28 Clency has descended to a Hero Minotaur.
2016-09-04 23:36:32 Saradin has descended to a Hero High Elf.
2016-09-08 21:37:55 Jraahg has descended to a Lowmort Troll.
2016-09-09 23:49:34 Valdearg has descended to a Lowmort Dragon.
2016-09-27 15:35:39 Equinus has descended to a Lowmort Centaur.
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Jan 17 2025 20:47
testing one two! is the Shoutbox broken, or just the Game Updates?

Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

Shoutbox Archive
Game Updates
Nov 27 2024 14:11
Hippo successfully morphs from Hero 868 to become Lord Hippo.
Aug 10 2024 09:15
Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:15
Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:06
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now closed!
Aug 10 2024 09:06
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now closed!