Ideas |
2003-09-20 02:05:38 |
have train mana cost 1 practice for casters, like hp costing 1 practice for brutes
2003-09-20 12:10:45 |
check this url about kobolds, it says kobolds main weapon is a bow
2003-09-20 12:20:36 |
2003-09-20 12:57:59 |
racials should reset when you die
2003-09-20 13:31:24 |
we need a lord spiritlink wand
2003-09-20 16:20:29 |
i have an idea for a new class it would be specifically made for tanking(hits TERRIBLE like a nekkid kob tul cleric) but gets dex as prime req and armor op(few fighting skills)
2003-09-20 17:50:54 |
have a message to the people in the group when someone joins or leaves the group
2003-09-20 22:17:09 |
neutral spells like blind should not engage the mobs unless the mobs rolls a chance of noticing the action.
2003-09-20 23:15:36 |
toggle to show only placeholders for awen, fort, and foci on affects list
2003-09-20 23:20:03 |
add scan nw, sw, ne, and se to scout and farsight
2003-09-20 23:24:07 |
(addendum) show 2e ne and se when scanning east with farsight, rather than having players have to type scan three different times
2003-09-21 00:46:56 |
tingles on bash
2003-09-21 02:27:41 |
Perhaps a sage trainer might be in order...rather pointless me playing it if I can't try ANY skills past level 15. :|
2003-09-21 03:26:57 |
the pout social requires a target description... "Soandso pouts while staring at you with tear-filled, puppy-dog eyes."
2003-09-21 09:17:52 |
reduce stat retrain cost now
2003-09-21 09:37:13 |
presence on item (regardless of effect) gives humm flag. no, this isnt what happens, I am suggesting it
2003-09-21 10:33:13 |
a spell that will add +1 stat bonus to a pice of gear their are some big penaltys first you have to have the stat the maxed ie if you want to add strength to a item you have to have strength maxed and when you cast the spell you go back to base stat. you could fail loose the stats but not add the bonus you could do normal or you brill add the bonus but now loose the stats
2003-09-21 10:43:23 |
Alter the Summon spell so that it only works on PCs not mobs to prevent lazy people summoning the mobs out their normal area.
2003-09-21 13:55:57 |
it was suggested before that when groupstat is typed it tell who so that when someone spams it, peer pressure can be placed on them, i'm sugggesting it again
2003-09-21 15:30:06 |
make sor potions 1 or 2kg now so that we can carry more. Currently their 6kg.
2003-09-21 17:36:11 |
add in help rename/onoma/christen that ending your rename with N will prevent it from color bleed
2003-09-21 18:52:15 |
Have frenzy penalize save vs spell too
2003-09-21 20:36:18 |
Make trip attemptable work every round, drawback is on failed trip, mob tries to trip you.
2003-09-21 21:43:31 |
withdraw <amount> gemstone. gives amount you want in gems.
2003-09-21 23:36:43 |
A help file for sge so I stop getting bugged about sage info would be REALLY cool.
2003-09-22 01:40:49 |
Manors-A way to get rid of millions of gold at the cost of a few vnums
2003-09-22 13:05:58 |
move the key for entry into the Obsidian Tower from the cave troll in Barrier Wastes. I dont wish to be called a camper, but if I kill that mob 2-3 times a day just for the key, then people will think what they think. Especially since it also carries the ticket for the Llysander ring replacement.
2003-09-22 20:06:45 |
Put a flower shop in Midgaard
2003-09-22 21:22:38 |
why dont you lower cappacity (items held) to 2-3 per dex but make items in containers not count against limit
2003-09-23 01:59:20 |
Various magical Lord poisoned piercers that never run out of whatever poison they come with (can't remove poison from these weapon either, no other mods)
2003-09-23 10:25:45 |
an addition to affects command, maybe be able to single out spells like affects sanctuary so you can see how long you have on sanc instead of every spell, could be neat. I know I would use it often.
2003-09-23 10:43:27 |
A command that shows stats only. (str/int/wis/dex/con)
2003-09-23 14:48:09 |
an append to the Fool Flag....people who get the fool flag are also silenced for the duration
2003-09-23 21:56:02 |
giants get racial giant strength, or, racial enragement. (same as giant, but new racial name!) :p
2003-09-23 22:34:34 |
help remort and remort command should match
2003-09-23 22:47:50 |
also hobgob's need to be added to help remort file
2003-09-24 03:35:34 |
Add the command "pinfo" for short to playerinfo.
2003-09-24 10:17:17 |
A %meter for prompt that shows mobs % of health during battle.
2003-09-24 11:09:59 |
a help file for damage types would be nice, listing them all and telling which ones can be sharpened, used for backstabbing and so on.
2003-09-24 15:11:24 |
With comcast conect problems, is there a easy way to stop PC corpse decay until the next time that player is able to log in? or is there already something to prevent corpse loss if it's do to the comcast issue? thanks for you time
2003-09-24 16:54:03 |
boost dragon morph/gen stats at lord.
2003-09-24 16:55:32 |
reduce Troll regen
2003-09-24 16:56:20 |
lower rogue assassinations by half
2003-09-24 17:40:25 |
when berserk, you can't control midround actions such as smash or spell casting
2003-09-24 19:23:23 |
Psions can already manipulate matter, why not have a spell like 'cure light' for pieces of gear?
2003-09-24 19:25:52 |
allow lord clerics to cast the self only spells on others, maybe a skill to do this? example: protection evil
2003-09-24 19:47:39 |
I am in venghilrim's lair, I just reformed the portal in here, and it disapeared. now there is no way out of this room. I don't know if the portal repops or not, but if it doesn't there is no way out of this room save transport spells, it is cursed.
2003-09-24 20:07:31 |
Lord Psion ritual, 5 psions: fetchs a pc corpse if its in the same area (or maybe plane)
2003-09-24 20:08:01 |
Maybe more Psions, *shrug*
2003-09-24 20:12:17 |
lord 101 spell: give an item an aura, you can change the aura name... to whatever you wish.. up to 3 per item
2003-09-25 11:38:28 |
be able to bottle magical fountain water like one in shashwat nisha and the weeping
2003-09-25 11:51:59 |
how about a demonic bleating basil social?
2003-09-25 13:40:08 |
demons and demonseeds should have a demonic language.
2003-09-25 13:45:37 |
Hm, can't think of a good name. But a sor/mag spell (lord+ probably). Prereq mystical barrier, gives a chance that attack (or possible spelldowns) cast upon someone with the spell on, will have a chance to reflect back upon the caster - also could be interesting on mobs *blink*
2003-09-25 18:16:41 |
remove pose You let fly with your bow! *Bullseye* Dragon steaks anyone? from rangers and add to arcs...or you could just let us rangers use bows as it appears we are archers >:)
2003-09-25 18:55:12 |
in response to vega archer Idea actually I can lead 20 people :P
2003-09-25 19:32:11 |
comfort channel so you can console your fellow avatarians when they die
2003-09-25 20:33:21 |
make a help file that shows the website for aejase.
2003-09-25 20:44:24 |
brt social. you tell so and so 'be right there!'
2003-09-26 09:21:37 |
on help tank, why imply it usually a brute class? all classes can tank, some better than others, and it is so tier dependent.....
2003-09-26 09:57:40 |
make remort race for kobolds, icepaw kobold, kobold with nofear and some other abilities
2003-09-26 09:57:40 |
kobold special remort race would be fun
2003-09-26 11:53:35 |
Some way to tell which race/class (combo?) has done the most leveling in the past week, month.. (based on percentages or .. uh something) :D
2003-09-26 15:45:55 |
A sorceror spell (potentiall a mob spell for whichever mob eventually gets globe of darkness), which purges protection evil from targets, no good name idea atm
2003-09-26 17:16:07 |
how about a pester social - %1 pesters you inanely about something etc
2003-09-26 21:15:14 |
make certain roms o_sleep, like the locker rental rooms so people can't regen in the one on mid
2003-09-26 21:16:02 |
(sorry, dumb keyboard) make certain rooms no_sleep, like the locker rental rooms so lords can't regen in the one on mid