Interested in meeting some fellow players or staff members
or Immortals 'In the flesh'? In Europe? Or, in this instance
more specifically the UK ?
While Ubercon has granted the opportunity to meet up and chat
to those resident in the US (and those willing and able to make
the trip) for a while, we would like to now organize a mudmeet
for European players, although on a much smaller scale.
To find out how to best approach this we would like to know
who would be interested in attending such an event, and what
sort of requirements / restrictions exist.
At the moment we were thinking of setting this mudmeet up
- not before mid-June, preferably before September with minimum
6 weeks advance notice
- to start on a Friday and end on a Sunday
- take place somewhere in southern UK (aka England)
- get some comps working and some simple games stocked
Please contact either Pulse or Elomecla (email or note) if you
are interested or have any queries about this. There will be
further updates soon following the hopefully lively initial
For a bunch of Europe based staff and Imms. Pulse
Edited by Pulse on Apr 10 2007 19:35