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Author Miraars

Posts: 25
Joined: 21.03.11
Posted on Feb 18 2012 08:58
What is the deal here? We heard they would become creatable at some point, and that existing Miraars would get some sort of compensation... any news on this front?
Author RE: Miraars

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Posted on Feb 18 2012 14:01
Pulse is taking the lead on this but has been very busy with real life commitments recently so hasn't had a chance to progress this further.

Expect to hear more when he's back
Author RE: Miraars

Posts: 25
Joined: 21.03.11
Posted on Feb 19 2012 23:39
Thanks for the heads up. All ten of us lord miraars can't wait to hear about our new careers.
Author RE: Miraars

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Posted on Apr 19 2012 12:27
Apologies for the long delay. I plan for this to be resolved in the next three weeks. As a clarification of the options for existing miraar - there will be a choice of:
A) stay miraar at same level, but receive some bonuses
convert to another remort race with same or lower tnl
C) stay miraar at same level without bonuses, and receive level 2 remort race char of same class (same or lower tnl)

I hope those options give sufficient choice. If you foresee any issues please let me know.

Author RE: Miraars

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Posted on May 11 2012 05:01
As of next reboot, Miraar will be a creatable rather than remort race.

Those people with existing Miraar need to read note 73 on Board 7 to see what options are available to them.

Thanks Pulse for working on this
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