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Author Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

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Posts: 91
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Joined: 14.07.05
Posted on Jan 04 2009 15:32

I am Susan Ivanova

Fiercely dedicated to bringing an end to corruption and exploitation, you are a strong-willed and courageous force of light.

"Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God."

Susan is a character in the Babylon 5 universe. You can read her biography at
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

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Posted on Jan 04 2009 17:03
I am Magneto.... o]=

Ebnodon the dreamer.

Ebbie's Mudd Cartoon
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

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Posted on Jan 05 2009 21:08

Possessing a rare combination of wisdom and humility, while serenely dominating your environment you selflessly use your powers to care for others.

Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages into dark alleys, raps them over the head with a cudgel, then goes through their pockets for loose vocabulary and spare grammar.
1625704 wyvaud@gmail.com http://users.tpg.com.au/wyvaud/avatar_races/races.html
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

Posts: 2
Location: Woodbine, MD
Joined: 22.11.06
Posted on Jan 05 2009 22:14

Ceaselessly struggling for a well-deserved redemption, you carefully arrange your alliances and energies.

There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom.

G'Kar is a character in the Babylon 5 universe. Worlds of JMS has a character profile for him.

The Daemon of Avatar
Every MUD has its daemons...
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

Posts: 4
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Joined: 10.03.08
Posted on Jan 05 2009 23:47
Anakin Skywalker

Struggling for self-assurance over hidden angst, you are highly adept and full of surprises.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Anakin Skywalker is a character in the Star Wars universe. The Star Wars Databank profiles his life story.
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

Posts: 8
Joined: 08.03.07
Posted on Jan 06 2009 03:14
A likeable character with a lust for life, you do what gets you by while continually pursuing your own interests.

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die.

Inigo is a character in The Princess Bride.

Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

Posts: 65
Joined: 22.11.06
Posted on Jan 06 2009 03:26
Princess Leia

A strong-willed herald of causes against injustice, you passionately strive to right the wrongs around you.

Somebody has to save our skins!

Leia is a character in the Star Wars universe.
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

Posts: 23
Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Joined: 22.01.07
Posted on Jan 06 2009 07:03

Putting your appointed path ahead of any inner conflicts, you make your own rules for the benefit of all.

If my life or death I can protect you, I will.

To imagine is to live, to live is to create, to create is to imagine
Rhousrod 88979002 mattandkylie@ozemail.com.au http://southernwifi.net
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

Posts: 49
Joined: 28.06.06
Posted on Jan 06 2009 08:41
Lord Voldemort

A cunning and powerful force with strong convictions, you have no qualms about acting divisively when needed.

Avada Kedavra!

Voldemort is a character in the Harry Potter series.

Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

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Location: Portland, OR, US
Joined: 24.03.06
Posted on Jan 06 2009 19:19
I am Aragorn

Putting your appointed path ahead of any inner conflicts, you make your own rules for the benefit of all.

If my life or death I can protect you, I will.

Aragorn is a character in the Middle-Earth universe.

TheNadreck TheNadreck@msn.com TheNadreck http://nadreck.me
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

Posts: 4
Location: Portland, OR, US
Joined: 24.03.06
Posted on Jan 06 2009 19:21
Skorn wrote:
Kosh, from Babylon 5. Whoever that is.

A reclusive seer shrouded in riddles, you reveal very little and only what is deemed congruent with your plans.

Kosh is pure AWESOME is who that is. He's a Vorlon, which are a race of beings who have evolved beyond the need for physical bodies, and have helped shape civilization from the beginning. B5 FTW!

TheNadreck TheNadreck@msn.com TheNadreck http://nadreck.me
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

Posts: 5
Location: Nehalem Oregon
Joined: 22.03.06
Posted on Jan 06 2009 22:29
ok.. so first time I did it, I came out the same as Zahri.. Princess Leia... blah.. Princes Leia?? ugh.. But.. I didn't want to be like anyone else!

So, I took it again, changed a couple answers I was sort of iffy on, and then I came out like Wiseman, as Galadriel.

So, I guess I'm not so unique! I like Galadriel better too!

Want to 'give back' to Society? Help a child learn to read, check on the senior citizen next door, mentor a grade schooler. We are all, each of us, Society.
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

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Location: Australia
Joined: 10.03.08
Posted on Jan 07 2009 03:18
After carefully reconsidering some of the options, I am Data.

A controlled personality with a vast range of skills and behavior, you are often intrigued by the people and places surrounding you.

In the strictest sense, I did not win -- I busted him up.

Data is a character in the Star Trek universe. A biography is at STARTREK.COM.
Edited by Trevaine on Jan 07 2009 03:30
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

Posts: 3
Joined: 20.11.07
Posted on Jan 07 2009 06:30
Looks like I'm Elrond.

A stern yet benevolent organizer who often knows best, your wits are keenly fixed on aiding efforts you deem worthy.

Now at this last we must take a hard road, a road unforseen. There lies our hope, if hope it be. To walk into peril to Mordor.

Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

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Posted on Jan 07 2009 15:11
An experienced survivor who has maneuvered around many obstacles, you are looked up to by those who rely on your good judgment.

Apparently I'm John Sheridan. Who is that?
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

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Posted on Jan 07 2009 15:34
He is one the main characters in Babylon 5.

Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

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Joined: 23.11.06
Posted on Jan 08 2009 22:53

A venerated sage with vast power and knowledge, you gently guide forces around you while serving as a champion of the light.
Author RE: yes!

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Posted on Jan 10 2009 17:21
I received "Agent Smith" from the matrix.

Try Ciprian's Challenge!
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

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Posted on Jan 10 2009 21:58
Whatever that could be , you probably should be aware that I'm this:


A reclusive seer shrouded in riddles, you reveal very little and only what is deemed congruent with your plans.

Understanding is a three edged sword. Your side, their side, and the truth.

Kosh is a character in the Babylon 5 universe. You can read a few tidbits about his race at The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5.
Author RE: Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character are you?

Posts: 2
Joined: 27.01.07
Posted on Jan 12 2009 01:01
Galadrial... sigh... Then i went back, changed some answers i was iffy on... and got Galadrial again. PSHAW.

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