Here are the new Hero and Lord stats since March 1st, 2006:
22 Heroes morphed since March 1st, 2006. Please welcome the following to the Lord tier:
Aithne Buntess Citric Cronus
Dopey Enki Flares Flicker
Gits Glander Grumsh Halandra
Highligh Iromai Orestes Pyke
RecUrve Tanzarian Varian XannTariann
Zarkmith Zyzzx
7 Lords remorted since March 1st, 2006. Please wish the following good luck:
* Calp from Lizard Man Mindbender to Sprite Mindbender
* Evenfall from Half-Elf Mage to Half-Elf Sorcerer
* Kor from Lizard Man Rogue to Tuataur Black Circle Initiate
* Lofta from Drow Mage to High Elf Mage
* Tsion from Human Assassin to Sprite Assassin
* Tsunari from Drow Mage to High Elf Mage
* Voxy from Tuataur Black Circle Initiat to Minotaur Black Circle Initiate