Take the time to read room and mob descriptions carefully.
There are often hints which give clues about hidden items, quests or warnings about particularly dangerous areas. - Riviat
The sense of community shown by so many of you when your fellow players
need assistance, whether it be answering questions or helping with corpse
retrievals or teaching new players how to play the game that we all love,
is amazing to see.
Avatar wouldn't be the place it is without you all.
Your voting efforts on MudConnector and TopMudSites via the buttons here are also very much appreciated.
Through your efforts, we've gotten into the top 5 on Topmudsites and the
top 10 on Mudconnector!
We're not allowed to offer incentives or rewards for voting so it makes
your kindness in voting for Avatar all that more special. THANK YOU! :)
Posted by Riviat
on February 06 2011 11:03:35 ·
48153 Reads
Kerrinthon February 10 2011 17:23:23
In all my time voting over the years I don't know that I have ever seen us at #3 on TMS. You folks are wonderful!!