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Author Mudders locations

Posts: 2
Location: The Netherlands
Joined: 15.12.08
Posted on Mar 15 2009 12:48
Hi Everyone,

I have talked to a lot of ppl in the mud, but I am wandering where everyone is from? I know there have been Mud meets in the Sates, but it might be worthwhile having it somewhere else too.

I myself am from The Netherlands.

I hope I will see more ppl to mention where there from to look in to the possibilety of hosting a mud meed in Europe / The Netherlands.

Author RE: Mudders locations

Posts: 65
Joined: 22.11.06
Posted on Mar 15 2009 14:06
I think there was talk of a minor one in England last year. It didn't happen but some of them did gather informally for a different reason later. ;p

Any chance you could make Ubercon in October, or? It's in Piscataway, NJ again, which is pretty close to Newark International Airport (30 mins, if going direct). If not, you just take the train to New Brunswick for $12.75 (easier than you'd guess, I have intimate experience with it), and then a cab (right outside the train station) to Piscataway. It's about $15-20.

I will hopefully have moved by the next con, but I plan to stay in NJ on the train line, somewhere.
Author RE: Mudders locations

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Posted on Mar 15 2009 14:46
Yeah, as Zahri said the proper 'euro'-mudmeet did not happen last year... In a way it comes down to someone finding the time to organise a good place to stay for a weekend for a number of people.

Unfortunately the UK based staff did not really get around to organising this (we had expected that it would be possible for NL based players and staff to pop over/under the channel).

However, if somebody knows of a perfect or fine place somewhere within the South of England / NL area - always happy to get involved in setting things up. Just not sure I have the time available to take lead on this.

[to answer the first question, I am based in London, UK]
Author RE: Mudders locations

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Posted on Mar 15 2009 21:25
I'm from Portland, Oregon, and the only mudder I've ever met up with is Nadreck. In a weird coincidence, he once crashed on my friend's couch for a week.
Author RE: Mudders locations

Posts: 8
Joined: 08.03.07
Posted on Mar 16 2009 02:18
I am from Toronto(well, around the GTA..but for general purposes, Toronto) Ontario Canada. Though I'm currently based out of Kingston Ontario for school. I know there are plenty of other Canadian Mudders on Avatar, I am proud to call some of them my friends IRL.

Author RE: Mudders locations

Posts: 23
Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Joined: 22.01.07
Posted on Mar 16 2009 02:34
I am from South Australia, I know of a few people that are Avatarians that are from Australia, and South Australia in particular

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Author RE: Mudders locations

Posts: 14
Location: Australia
Joined: 10.03.08
Posted on Mar 16 2009 09:21
I'm from Tasmania which is a small island off the south coast of mainland Australia.
Trevaine/Trevayne/Bonny and others.
Author RE: Mudders locations

Posts: 49
Joined: 28.06.06
Posted on Mar 16 2009 14:40
The real reason the Euro mudmeet a few years ago didn't happen was because of beer prizes. *nodnod*

I couldn't entice our Scandinavian players to come taste our cheap beers.
And I think they were half of the people who were planning on coming.
When we couldn't really decide on a location the talks started dwindling.

I have no objections to crossing the channel or go up north..
If it weren't for the fact that I use up all of my vacation days visiting hockey games or wrestling in the USA >

PS- Ik ben in Nederland
Author RE: Mudders locations

Posts: 35
Joined: 21.12.07
Posted on Mar 16 2009 17:21
i'm originally from the bay area in northern california, US, but for the last 5 years i've been living in Belo Horizonte, which is the third largest city in Brazil.
Author RE: Mudders locations

Posts: 3
Location: South Australia, Australia
Joined: 25.01.07
Posted on Mar 17 2009 06:35
I'm another from South Australia, Australia. There are many More!

Gallahad/Astro/Inzanite etc..

sapianate natke92@hotmail.com
Author RE: Mudders locations

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Posted on Mar 17 2009 10:18
Another from South Australia. Same city as Hylaeus, and in fact I take the blame (credit?) for introducing him to AvatarMUD

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Author RE: Mudders locations

Posts: 23
Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Joined: 22.01.07
Posted on Mar 17 2009 12:34
According to my wife, definatly blame

To imagine is to live, to live is to create, to create is to imagine
Rhousrod 88979002 mattandkylie@ozemail.com.au http://southernwifi.net
Author RE: Mudders locations

Posts: 28
Joined: 27.01.07
Posted on Mar 18 2009 12:12
WOW! I feel like a minority *grin* I live in America Midwest,Wisconsin.
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Posted on Mar 18 2009 15:14
Midwest USA as well - Missouri.

Author RE: Mudders locations

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Location: Phoenix, AZ
Joined: 23.11.06
Posted on Mar 26 2009 15:02
Im originally from Chicago, but relocated to Phoenix AZ, Yeah it is hot but I love it!
Author RE: Mudders locations

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Location: Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada
Joined: 30.03.09
Posted on Mar 30 2009 07:13
How about a mud meet in western canada? Say the 2nd tree from the beaver lodge that's beside the big snow drift. I live pretty close to eiiitt.

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Author RE: Mudders locations

Posts: 4
Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 31.03.09
Posted on Mar 31 2009 22:23
I'm another Canadian player, live in Brampton which is near Toronto, Ontario. Though I'm in Brantford during the week most of the time for school. If there were to be a mudmeet in Toronto I'd make an attempt to go, parents would be worried sick about me, but I'm at the age where I can go anyway if I want to and I believe they would respect that.
Author RE: Mudders locations

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Posted on Apr 01 2009 12:18
I'm part of the Britpack and live near Oxford, UK.

Where am I now? - London
Where will I be tomorrow? Colorado, USA woot!

Hope to see anyone who can make it to the mudmeet this weekend that Dawiz has arranged.

Visit http://www.dawiz.net/mudmeet.html for more details
Author RE: Mudders locations

Posts: 4
Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 31.03.09
Posted on Apr 01 2009 20:41
Man I wish I could go, would be really neat to meet some fellow players. Although since I don't even know many of them on game since I'm pretty new, it'd feel weird meeting in rl first I guess.
Author RE: Mudders locations

Posts: 5
Location: Nehalem Oregon
Joined: 22.03.06
Posted on Apr 21 2009 19:53
I'm near Manzanita Oregon.. a tiny village on the Northern Oregon Coast.


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