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Shoutbox Archive
Ebnodon on September 25 2009 23:19:07
it does Hylaeus... it's on the left under the voting buttons.... "Facebook.share"
Hylaeus on September 25 2009 12:37:10
Does Avatar have a Fan Page on Facebook, if not could be an idea
Specter on September 25 2009 11:19:08
Hi all Looks like its going to be a good day!
Gallahad on September 25 2009 01:38:19
Riviat on September 24 2009 13:49:28
Please read the HELP UBERCON CONTEST helpfiles if you are thinking of taking part. Most questions are already covered by them.
Ebnodon on September 17 2009 00:50:52
New cartoon is up at http://ebbiecartoon.branchfamily.ca/
Kariya on September 15 2009 12:43:13
As soon as we're ready to announce any contests you'll see it pasted all over the place (this site, uc forum, motd, notes)
Hylaeus on September 14 2009 22:44:41
Also you can keep an eye on the ubercon forums at http://forum.ubercon.com/ there is an Avatar Board
Riviat on September 14 2009 19:54:22
Not aware of plans yet but we will make you aware when we know more.
Zarf on September 14 2009 15:24:01
Any information on Ubercon and virtual attendance?
Scrape on September 13 2009 00:34:55
We need more lord runs.. soloing is sooooo boring.
laazarus on September 12 2009 04:38:30
movin on up - 15 now on topMud
Morague on September 10 2009 22:08:39
We're at 16 on TopMudSites
Pulse on September 10 2009 00:41:17
mostly just need to create a file with the proper name and format in your web folder.
Wiseman on September 10 2009 00:26:00
I wish I knew how to assign a favicon to a page I've made... I should look into that.
Hylaeus on September 09 2009 22:48:23
Nog, has been a while
Riviat on September 09 2009 14:36:00
We've had a favicon for ages, at least a year
Zahri on September 09 2009 11:04:13
Oooh, Avatar has a favicon now? Cool.
Wiseman on September 09 2009 09:18:30
Hehe... that we do
Hylaeus on September 08 2009 22:37:39
We do what we can
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Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

Aug 17 2021 05:50
Halfway through August and so many events yet to go! Log in now to join our newest event.

Shoutbox Archive
Game Updates
Aug 10 2024 09:15
Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:15
Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:06
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now closed!
Aug 10 2024 09:06
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now closed!
Aug 10 2024 08:52
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now open for business! Come witness the carnage!